Ultimat Vodka Wine Enthusiast 90 Points 750 ML
Ultimat Vodka is the only vodka distilled with the key ingredients Poland is known for – potato, wheat and rye. Its incredibly crisp and clean taste is achieved through the use of pure artesian well water and a unique carbon candle filtration process. No other vodka in the world is made this way, which is why no other spirit can replicate the high-quality, truly exceptional distilled flavor of Ultimat Vodka.
Poland- A blend of three distinct Polish vodkas that are produced from potatoes for richness and body, wheat for light subtle smoothness, and rye for flavor and complexity. Married together to produce a crisp, smooth, elegant taste. The Ultimat Taste Experience.
This vodka is distilled from wheat, rye, and potatoes--not something you see every day. Made in Poland, this vodka is a product of the Patrón Spirits Company. Packaged in an eye-catching blue cobalt bottle.