Effen Vodka Three Bottle Flavor Collection You will receive
Effen Rose Vodka 750 ML
Effen Green Apple Vodka 750 ML
Effen Blood Orange Vodka 750 ML
Effen Rose Vodka See the world through rose-colored cocktail glasses. Our Rosé Vodka expresses breezy optimism, with a light fruity floral hit rounded by vanilla and honey notes. Combining the bright, smooth flavors of rosé wine with these warm, sweet accents, it’s exquisite on its own or in vibrant rosé vodka cocktail recipes. Pair it with soda or bubbly for a true liquid uplift to kickstart your night out in style. No added sugar and natural ingredients ensure an authentic rosé taste with the perfect balance of vivacity and sweetness. Reminiscent of the scent of roses on a summer breeze or a juicy ripe berry fresh from the farmer’s market, it’s no wonder rosé has become one of the most popular drinks flavors. Vodka botanicals are definitely having a moment, and at EFFEN we’re at the forefront of this global trend.
Effen Green Apple Vodka Aromas of fresh sliced green apple and vanilla that flow into the palate seamlessly. Flavor grows with intensity to bright vanilla and juicy apple peak. Balanced natural flavors and not too sweet. Flavor fades with warm pepper and finishes semidry with wheat. Blending the zingy notes of crisp green apples with our ultra-smooth base, our EFFEN green apple vodka revives, refreshes and refines all kinds of cocktails. We use continuously-distilled carbon-filtered vodka and add natural apple flavor to compose the purest taste with an exhilarating hit of acidity. This uplifting, perfectly balanced vodka makes a strong match for mixers and cocktails like a vodka sour. And it’s beautifully smooth on its own. Whether you’re letting your hair down on the dancefloor or having friends over for drinks, this vibrant vodka is always at the heart of the party.
Effen Blood Orange Vodka Hard to find in stock! Netherlands Expertly distilled from wheat grain and deliciously enhanced with natural blood orange flavor. Aromas of fresh squeezed orange juice with a hint of vanilla. The sweet, natural orange flavor is fresh and juicy fading with a slight peppery note. Finishes lightly dry.