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Bird Dog Peach Whiskey 750 ML
Bird Dog Peach Whiskey 750 ML

Bird Dog Peach Whiskey 750 ML

Your Price: $27.99
Bird Dog Peach Whiskey 750 ML Hard to find ! Bird Dog Whiskey blends the finest aged white oak barrel Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey with all natural flavors to create a smooth, easy drinking whiskey. At 80 proof, Bird Dog Whiskey offers a variety of amazing tasting flavored whiskeys Peach, Hot Cinnamon, Maple and the original Blackberry. Our Bird Dog Bourbon has an elaborate medley of corn, malted barley and rye that formulates into a distinctive gentle bourbon. With an assortment of flavors, Bird Dog is perfect straight up, on the rocks or in your favorite cocktail. Bird Dog Whiskey “ this dog dont bite! The distinctive taste of Bird Dog Blackberry Whiskey was nationally recognized during the 2010 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. We are extremely pleased to have been selected as a Gold Medal winner during the competition. Its always nice to bring home the gold!
Item Number: Bird-Dog-Peach-Whiskey-750-ML
Availability: In Stock 8
Size: 750ML
Bird Dog Peach Whiskey 750 ML Hard to find ! Bird Dog Whiskey blends the finest aged white oak barrel Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey with all natural flavors to create a smooth, easy drinking whiskey. At 80 proof, Bird Dog Whiskey offers a variety of amazing tasting flavored whiskeys Peach, Hot Cinnamon, Maple and the original Blackberry. Our Bird Dog Bourbon has an elaborate medley of corn, malted barley and rye that formulates into a distinctive gentle bourbon. With an assortment of flavors, Bird Dog is perfect straight up, on the rocks or in your favorite cocktail. Bird Dog Whiskey “ this dog dont bite! The distinctive taste of Bird Dog Blackberry Whiskey was nationally recognized during the 2010 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. We are extremely pleased to have been selected as a Gold Medal winner during the competition. Its always nice to bring home the gold!

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